Optimizing Video Advertising Campaigns to Better Achieve Marketing Goals

3 min readOct 29, 2020


As consumer behavior tends to change with time and new business challenges keep on appearing, it is important for marketers to adapt their advertising campaigns accordingly.

Most of the time, tweaks to media mix, video creative, or audience targeting strategy, can help marketers adapt to change and increase the effectiveness of their campaigns.

By making sure that video mix is well aligned with the objectives, brands and their partner video advertising companies can improve their return on investment. YouTube offers a fast and effective tool known as video experiments to help marketers in this case. This tool enables them to run a head to head comparison of the performance of different versions of a video creative. It also provides insight to marketers on the performance of different versions of creative when they are run as part of different types of ad formats.

When stay-at-home orders were passed during the early phase of the pandemic, consumer electronics brands saw an increase in demand for their products. Laptop sales witnessed a steep increase. Google Trends showed an increase in search queries for topics like starting a podcast. Consumer electronics brands saw this as a great opportunity to sell at-home products during the lockdown. One of the brands decided to reiterate its dedication to consumer service in a manner which genuinely mirrored its business. It decided to communicate its values and expertise.

To do so, it created a YouTube video campaign that featured its employees assisting customers in resolution of problems and helping them make product buying decisions, while themselves working from their own homes. This brand used video experiments in order to know which ad formats give best results. Although the brand got a positive return on ad spend across different ad formats that it tested, the highest return was achieved from the TrueView for action format, which included CTAs. The brand achieved significant increase in awareness and ad recall.

For successful video campaigns, marketers need to reach the right people. By using the contextual video advertising technology, marketers can show ads that are contextually relevant to the video content the consumers are watching. As a contextually relevant ad resonates with what a viewer is currently interested in, there are high chances of viewer’s engagement with such an ad. Just by clicking a relevant ad, user can directly reach the advertised product’s landing page in order to gain more information about the product and make a purchase.

Another campaign optimization technique to consider involves making simple adjustments to a video creative. Little tweaks such as using a strong call to action or a text overlay can cast a significantly positive impact on the performance of a video campaign.

From the above, it is quite clear that by finding and using the most effective ad format, using contextual ad targeting, and making tweaks to video creative, marketers can better achieve their goals.




Silverpush offers AI-powered advertising technology solutions, helping brands globally understand and reach their customers. Learn more at www.silverpush.co