The Age of Responsible Marketing

3 min readFeb 14, 2024


Imagine advertising in a world where you know exactly what resonates with your audience, down to their favorite color and preferred time of day for seeing ads. That’s the power of AI in marketing, and it’s rapidly transforming the industry, with a projected market value of $107 billion by 2028. (Source)

While AI empowers advertisers with laser-sharp consumer insights, it’s not without its flip side. As AI becomes deeply woven into advertising strategies, the focus must shift towards responsible AI. But why is this so crucial?

Before answering the question let’s dive into what is responsible AI?

The Age of Responsible Marketing
The Age of Responsible Marketing

What is Responsible AI?

Responsible AI, or Ethical AI, is all about developing and using artificial intelligence systems in a way that is morally right, and fits with society’s perspective of safety.

Why is Responsible AI critical?

In November 2023, the UK hosted the first AI Safety Summit to set up safety guidelines for evaluating and keeping an eye on the biggest risks associated with AI. They collaborated with key countries and major tech companies.

Countries like the UK, USA, and India have released their own principles for Responsible AI. They share common themes to ensure AI is used responsibly across borders.

Safety and Security
Photo by Philipp Katzenberger

1. Safety and Security

AI is a highly versatile technology that can pose a risk to national security if misused. Although the potential impact of misuse in ad tech may not be a severe one, it is still a crucial concern regarding user safety. It is essential to proactively consider all possible use cases while ensuring compliance with privacy policies and responsible AI-based addressability solutions. This approach will ensure that the industry moves forward in the right direction.

2. Transparency

AI algorithms, at times, act like black boxes, making it challenging to comprehend the logic behind their decisions. This lack of transparency can lead to a loss of trust and hinder the identification and resolution of potential issues. Responsible AI prioritizes explainability, ensuring that humans can grasp the rationale behind the decisions made by AI systems.

3. Equality and Fairness

If trained on biased data, AI algorithms can reinforce harmful stereotypes in advertising, alienating certain groups and raising ethical concerns. Ad tech giants will need to implement strong methods and procedures to guarantee that, while using general-purpose LLMs or specialty ML models, their AI technology is not causing discrimination or violating rights in any manner. The diversity of their AI teams will also need to be actively monitored and improved by ad tech businesses.

AI’s power in advertising
Photo by the blowup


AI’s power in advertising is undeniable, but it’s just a tool. To wield it effectively and responsibly, human expertise remains indispensable. While algorithms automate tasks and optimize delivery, the human touch ensures contextual understanding, brand alignment, and agility in a dynamic digital landscape.

Embedding ethical considerations is paramount. Humans, with their understanding of societal values and cultural nuances, play a crucial role in defining ethical guidelines. Responsible AI means understanding its limitations and using it ethically to augment, not replace human expertise.

By embracing responsible AI, advertisers can tap into its immense potential while mitigating risks and building trust with their audience.




Silverpush offers AI-powered advertising technology solutions, helping brands globally understand and reach their customers. Learn more at